Three Years Later: Re-watching Game of Thrones

Can you believe its been three years since the series finale? Three years since the wall fell, three years since we all waited and watched in awe as the internationally known series came to a close in the most confusing (some say dissatisfying) way possible?

Three years ago, I lived in New York City. As with any good trend, any tried and true New Yorker has to be well ahead of popular opinion in order to keep their heads held high. The only problem was…I didn’t watch Game of Thrones. The first season came out in April 2011 right before I graduated high school, but instead of GOT, I spent that summer watching The Big Bang Theory re-runs and trying unsuccessfully to blue chalk-paint my very dark hair. I didn’t know very many people who watched the show in college, I didn’t own a TV and didn’t have the money for an HBO subscription. And so the time passed by.

Fast forward to 2014: I graduate college and started a job in Houston with over an hour commute. Being in the car for 2+ hours per day, I decided I needed to listen to audiobooks to pass the time and what did I pick up? That’s right Game of Thrones. The different accents and voices for each character made is easier (notice easier…not easy) to follow the plot and cut through the mounds of descriptive nonsense, and so the year passed quickly. I could basically pronounce every character’s name, I would explain to complete strangers the intricate dramas of the 7 kingdoms, but most of all, I would tell anyone who cared to listen how oddly creepy it was that this blockbuster of a TV show/book series had such R-rated relations between main characters who were actual, legit children. *insert creepy shivering here*

That Christmas, I got the box set of GOT books and instead of listening to A Dance with Dragons on audiobook, I read the actual book. Golly, was that a slog. The overtly detailed descriptions of the light/shadow ratio of each room and the minute to minute exposé on fabric types and reaction to firelight was dreadful. I could barely focus on the plot for the descriptions (which I can only imagine were included for cosplay enthusiasts everywhere). Nevertheless, I persisted. I ‘read’ all 5 books and 3 years later when the world began to gear up for the final season, I finally jumped on the TV show bandwagon. Thank goodness, still worked on my Macbook and that I was so broke in NYC that I had nothing else to do on the weekends, but stay home and watch.

Now, I find myself at home again on the weekends, this time due to my dog recovering from surgery, and I’m watching GOT for the second time. Updates: I’m using my sister’s HBO Max account (thx J) and I still find myself so confused about all the same things I did the first time.

  1. All these main characters had to be aged up 4-8 years apiece because otherwise the TV show would not be legal….yikes
  2. Why did Arya have to go to King’s Landing with Ned and Sansa? (S1E3)
  3. Assume that we all agree that Westeros is a stand-in for Great Britain:1 Then wouldn’t the song of ice and fire, just be a thinly veiled repeat of the War of the Roses between the Yorks and the Plantagenets? (The Starks and the Lanisters? The Baratheons and the Targaryens?…(Doesn’t have the same ring to it, although it does have similar intrigues)
  4. God Bless Ned Stark, but gosh, will he ever finish a sentence?
  5. I WANT A DIREWOLF FOR MY OWN–btw I trained my Aussie with the command ‘to me’ when she is off leash…thanks Ghost & Jon Snow
  6. Cersei and Joffrey have such a twisted a relationship. Questions: When she plays the ‘mother card’ with Catelyn Stark (S1E2), is that real I wonder? Or is it another manipulation…If its real, then I could understand her complete insecurity when it comes to her personal life: she is a strong woman set to be at the beck and call of the ‘more powerful’ men in her life and how does she choose to control them? By sleeping or not sleeping with them. So that’s how she could make sure that Jaime would always listen to her… But still; contrasted with Catelyn Stark, an arguably strong woman as well, does Cersei pale in comparison?

As I watch more episodes I will find the answers to these questions and more. Cheers!

1I just Googled this and apparently people already know this about the series…guess its that obvious.

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